My $2.2k laptop can't drive two screens

I received a new MacBook Pro 14" M3 from my employer, which starts at €2.049 ($2224) in Italy. It looks like a solid machine, at least physically speaking. I wired it up to my fairly basic dual-monitor office setup, just to realize that confusingly enough, I could not use the HDMI and USB-C port at the same time. I thought that was a cable issue, then a bug, but nope. It turns out the “base” M3 chip is essentially an overclocked iPad chip put into a computer, and it does not have two display controllers....

<span title='2024-05-26 00:00:00 +0000 UTC'>May 26, 2024</span>

Discontinuing Gestures and Workflow

As the title says, I am discontinuing Workflow (the GTK screen time tracker app) from Flathub. Gestures will still remain for download for a while, as it seems to be still quite popular in terms of user base, but will not benefit from active development any further. The reasons behind this, lack of time aside, are nothing special. The Linux user experience has thankfully evolved really fast in the last three years, and it felt to me that neither of these apps provides enough value nowadays (apart from a GTK UI, that is) for most users to make use of them any longer....

<span title='2023-07-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC'>July 1, 2023</span>

A system indicator for when my vaccine time has come

As a consequence of the relative slowness of the Italian vaccine distribution, I got bored of logging into the local health website that lists the (un)availability of vaccine shots for my age category, so I decided to build a tiny GNOME indicator that does that for me. This is not strictly an extension, but a CURL+grep wrapper using the magnificent, although abandoned Argos extension for GNOME Shell. Essentially, as long as no doses are available for my health status that “ko” status is bound to stay, but once the doses for my age category arrive… well, then the extension will let me know it quite loudly....

<span title='2021-06-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC'>June 1, 2021</span>

A Cards app for my Amazfit watch

This afternoon, in the middle of academic commitments, I got bored and made an app for my Amazfit smartwatch, which is without a doubt cooler hardware wise than in terms of available features. The result is quite basic so far, and lets one save fidelity cards in a /sdcard/cards.json file following this form: [ { "name": "Cheap Sport Store", "code": "239193832352462", "type": "ean13", "color-fg": "ffff00" }, { ... } ] and shows them as a scrollable series of bar/QRcodes through a hacky ViewPager....

<span title='2021-05-07 00:00:00 +0000 UTC'>May 7, 2021</span>

nokun's personal website

This site is just as work-in-progress at it seems. Powered by Pages because I’m lazy. Nice to meet you, I guess? It feels strange to welcome guests in a construction site…

<span title='2021-04-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC'>April 1, 2021</span>