This afternoon, in the middle of academic commitments, I got bored and made an app for my Amazfit smartwatch, which is without a doubt cooler hardware wise than in terms of available features.

The result is quite basic so far, and lets one save fidelity cards in a /sdcard/cards.json file following this form:

		"name": "Cheap Sport Store",
		"code": "239193832352462",
		"type": "ean13",
		"color-fg": "ffff00"
	{ ... }

and shows them as a scrollable series of bar/QRcodes through a hacky ViewPager.

It would be cool to have decent UI, support for more formats, syncing with phones and possibly even temporary ones (e.g. plane boarding tickets), but again, the road is still long-ish and this will stay in the room of “side projects” for a while.

Code will be published on my Gitlab once it starts looking more acceptable.

For the moment, here is the pre-alpha APK in case you really cannot wait. Will crash if no cards.json exists.





